Probate can be daunting at an already extremely difficult time. We’re here to guide you through the probate process so you know exactly what’s going on. We will be with you every step of the way from the court making a determination on the validity of your loved one’s will to the actual distribution of the assets.
We offer knowledgeable assistance with
- Your Duties as an Executor
- Choosing an Executor for Your Will
- Preserving Your Estate Assets
- Ways to Avoid Probate
Probate can be an expensive, drawn-out process, especially for beneficiaries who may have to wait anywhere from one to two years to receive the property left to them in the will. There are certain types of assets that do not have to go through probate and become available to the beneficiaries upon death of the decedent. We can help identify those items to get you relief sooner.
Contact Us now to speak with an attorney regarding questions you may have about Probate.
What Our Chicago Clients Are Saying About Us
Johannah, Thank you so much for doing such a wonderful job!
We so appreciate how easy you made such an important detail in our lives, for us and our family.
It was a pleasure meeting you all.
Tim & Betty S.
Eric, Thanks again for helping me get this signed and completed. It’s a big comfort knowing that my will and estate is in order. Thank you again for your generosity and friendship. I really appreciate being able to get this taken care of and with a certain level of confidence. I trust you and feel really comfortable with your advice. I’ve already referred some friends to you. I will continue to be your advocate and biggest fan!
We felt very comfortable with both attorneys. We would feel comfortable if we had to call to have questions answered. The atmosphere with Mr. Matlin was great, and we left the office feeling positive about something that is so important to us.
On behalf of the Edgebrook Women’s Club would like to thank you and express our gratitude for your wonderfully informative presentation to our group. As was evident from the many questions your information was needed, very well received and your situational examples registered with many in the audience.
Thank you again for providing a much needed and informative presentation.
Dear Eric,
I just want you to know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me and the thoroughness with which you did it. You are indeed a most impressive will-maker, including the the serendipitous coverage your “compulsivity” supplies. You truly lift the experience from the quotidian to an art-form.
In addition, you are a real mensch, in its best sense: open, warm, caring, understanding and honest.
Again, my thanks to you and your staff for your help.
Thank you very much Johannah and Lee. I can’t tell you how much you helped make a difficult situation a bit more bearable. Prior to hiring you, I was at my wit’s end. Having you in my corner was a total game changer. Thank you very, very much.
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Attorneys Mary E. Vanek and Talia M. Shambee Achieve Appellate Court Victory
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Attorney Spotlight - Mary E. Vanek Passes Florida State Bar
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What Is Mental Capacity, and Why Does It Matter?
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Power of Attorney for Health Care and HIPAA Authorization for Clients with College-Bound Children
While many parents are covering dependent insurance of their adult children until the age of 26, many of these parents are unaware that
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New Attorney Spotlight
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A Baker’s Dozen of Why People Procrastinate About Their Estate Plan
Do any sound familiar to you? Most people don’t like to think about death or money. Wills and Trusts force you to
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Estate Planning Spring Cleaning Checklist
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College and Covid-19
In this unprecedented time with a pandemic virus affecting many, it is understandable that parents are concerned about their college-bound children. While many
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COVID 19 Update: Matlin Law Group Remains Open as Essential Business
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Matlin Law Group, P.C. Remains Open (Working Remotely) to Serve Our Clients
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Should I Stay or Should I Go…Seeking a Warmer Tax Climate?
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Power of Attorney for Health Care and HIPAA Can Help When You Receive the Dreaded 3am Call
Some estate-plan documents have nothing to do with money or what happens to our estate after we die. If you are outraged-or at
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A Guide to Estate Planning for Young Families
Every legal adult needs an estate plan, powers of attorney and HIPAA authorization at the very least, but the scope of planning may
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How Much Does Estate Planning Cost in Illinois?
Estate planning is an important milestone in an adult’s life. Regardless of wealth and status, everyone benefits from estate planning, to ensure that
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Estate Planning Checklist: 5 Essential Steps to Protect Your Future
When tragedy strikes, it reminds us that life is precious. Recently, friends of clients of mine lost their 17-year-old son to a skiing
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Will Planning Guide: How to Make a Legal Will in Illinois
Making a Will can be a daunting task. You know it’s important to plan for what will happen to your property, dependents and
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When Do You Need Estate Planning? How to Start at Any Age
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- 12Jun
Non-traditional relationships also need estate planning.
If you have an important non-traditional relationship other than marriage, it is especially imperative that your legal affairs are in order. Sometimes the
- 7Jun
"Be Kind; Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Hard Battle"
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Estate planning attorney Eric Matlin pleads guilty to entertaining readers
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Barbara Bush’s Comfort Care Decision at End of Life – Rest in Peace
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Should Your Executor Be Your Eldest Child?
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- 5Apr
Local author pens estate planning book
Alan P. Henry, Freelance Reporter 12:59 am CDT March 28, 2018 The challenge, as Eric Matlin saw it, was to write a
- 19Sep
Being a trustee or executor is stressful. Become de-stressed.
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- 31Aug
How to Contest a Will in Illinois
When a person passes away with a will, that will is submitted to probate. Probate is the process by which the directives in
- 31Aug
Should I agree to serve as executor?
Have you been appointed as the executor of an estate? Carrying out your duties can feel overwhelming and sometimes like a second job.
- 31Aug
Do you need a health care power of attorney? The answer might surprise you.
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In re Estate of Marion Young Tait 2017 IL App (3d) 150834
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- 2Apr
Living Without a Will
A recent Gallup Poll has indicated that at least 56% of U.S. citizens do not have a will in place. Taking a closer
- 30Mar
Should You Use A “Do-It-Yourself” Estate Planning Service?
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QUIZ for HOW TO PICK A HEALTH CARE AGENT OR PROXY Sophie was laying in her bed feeling feverish and a little bit lost.
- 28Mar
Electronic Records and end-of-life plans
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Spring Cleaning – Getting Your Documents Organized for Your Estate plan
It is officially spring! When many of us awaken from our long winter hibernation just in time for annual spring cleaning, the perfect
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Top 12 Reasons People Delay Estate Planning
January is as good a time as any to contemplate your goals for the new year and begin to fulfill new (or old
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Are You Covering Your Children’s Health Insurance Costs Without Any Access to Their Medical Information?
The Affordable Care Act requires plans that offer dependent coverage to make the dependent coverage available until the adult child reaches the age
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
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